Tuesday 13 July 2010

I am awesome at pool. Fact.

On average, I play pool three times a week, sometimes more. Often, my housemates and I have to alternate pubs because the bar staff are beginning to think we're a bit strange. As we have played more and more over the past four years, I have noticed that I have overtaken my male housemates in terms of both skill and enthusiasm. They're reluctant to admit it but the stats speak for themselves (see picture above). Excuses upon such defeat by a 5 foot 3 (at a stretch) girl have ranged from "I don't feel well" and "my cue is defective" to "my converse are too tight" and "I just brokeup with my girlfriend". Poor effort. They'll often decide that we're playing doubles and team me up with some poor, unsuspecting girl who can't tell the white ball from the black. But most of the time, I'll still win. In his desperation to be manly, one of my housemates has developed "the jump", a slightly aggressive man- leap that he does when breaking. It is not manly, it is embarrassing: I may have to stop playing pool with him. If the game is not going in their favour, and people are watching,they'll sometimes forfeit before they lose. Once, I "seven balled" my friend when some guys were waiting for the table (and, to be fair, laughing at him) at which point, he winked at them and said he let me win. He shouldn't be so sexist but I thought I'd let him have his dignity...

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